From The Blog

Building the Dream Company I Wish I’d Worked for

If I were 20 years old, I would work for a B Corp! These were the companies I would have loved to work for after graduation!

When I founded MENA Impact, I knew from the start that I wanted us to be part of the B Corp movement, a business with purpose and impact at its core. And now, I’m proud to announce that MENA Impact is B Corp certified.

Getting certified was a journey, a collective one, with my team and my partners, it is a reflection of the values we’ve embraced since day one.


How I Discovered B Corp

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself facing an unexpected career change after being made redundant. Rather than focusing on the setback, I chose to turn it into an opportunity for growth. I enrolled in sustainability courses, driven by a genuine curiosity to learn how businesses could play a meaningful role in creating positive change. This new direction allowed me to explore the intersection of business and sustainability in a way I hadn’t before.

In one of my first courses on corporate sustainability, I came across a chapter on responsible businesses, and that’s when I first heard about B Corp.

Intrigued by the idea, I started researching B Corps online. What began as a quick search turned into an all-night deep dive into the B Corp website. I was captivated by the concept of using business as a force for good, balancing purpose with profit, and making a positive impact on both people and the planet. I couldn’t believe these companies existed—had I somehow missed this during my decade-long climb in the corporate world?


B Corp: An Awakening

When I first learned about B Corps, I felt a deep connection. It was as if I had found something I had been missing. I imagined myself as a young person just starting out in my career, eager to work for a company that shared my values and made a positive impact. I had never felt truly fulfilled in my corporate jobs, and I longed for a workplace where I could feel passionate about the work I was doing. The idea of a B Corp, a company that balanced profit with purpose, was incredibly appealing to me. I couldn’t help but wonder how different my life might have been if I had discovered B Corps earlier.


B Corp Builder

After discovering B Corps, I realized that I had the opportunity to make a real difference. While I was no longer in my early twenties, I have energy and experience to offer. I had spent over a decade working in corporations in Europe and the Middle East, and I was ready to drive real change. I made a decision not just to work for a B Corp, but to create one.

I wanted to build the kind of responsible business the world needs, a company that gives young people a platform to realize their potential. It was important to me to create the type of company that I would have been drawn to in my early career. I committed to this journey, believing fully that business can and must be a force for good.


What is a B Corp?

At its core, a B Corp is all about a business that benefits all people, communities and the planet.. It’s not just about doing well; it’s about doing good too. To get certified, companies must meet high standards of social and environmental standards , accountability, and transparency.

This means going through a tough third-party assessment that checks: governance, how we treat our employees, our impact on the community, the environment, and even our customers, ensuring that our operations benefit all stakeholders, not just shareholders.

B Corp in the MENA Region

Back in 2020, I was curious to see how many companies in the UAE were certified. Turns out, there was only one: Marmalade Fish. I reached out to their founder, Samie Al Achrafi, and I was shocked when he told me they were the only B Corp in the entire MENA region at the time. My immediate reaction? “This needs to change!”

That realization fueled my mission. I wanted to grow the B Corp movement here as a result I’ve spent the last few years tirelessly advocating for it. I I invested countless hours in discussions with companies, explaining to them how the B Corp certification can propel their impact journey, and help them build credibility and trust with all their stakeholders. . I believe that each conversation, each bit of awareness I raised, was a step towards building a community of responsible businesses in the MENA region.

MENA Impact’s B Corp Certification

Fast forward to today, and as MENA Impact being the 12th UAE B Corp certified business, we’ve gone from one B Corp in the UAE to 12, and over 20 in the MENA region!

At MENA Impact, we don’t just talk about making a difference; we live it. And it’s not always easy, I must say. We are not a traditional business model; our approach is to build ecosystems that drive impact in the region, starting in the UAE. We are a platform dedicated to tackling the SDGs by providing programs, resources, and community-building initiatives.

 We have four key impact commitments: supporting youth from underemployed countries, driving the adoption of impact standards, raising awareness of sustainability issues, and creating a pipeline of sustainability talent and skills in the region. We dream big and tackle big problems.

Our certification didn’t just happen overnight. It was a rigorous process that held us accountable for our actions and performance. But it was so worth it, and it’s pushing us to be better every single day.


Success Story: The Surpluss

One of the most rewarding B Corp projects I worked on was with The Surpluss, a UAE-based climate-tech startup. I still remember my first conversation with their founder, Rana Hajirasouli. Her passion and drive to make a difference stood out immediately. We worked together, learned from each other, and tackled the B Corp process as a team.

What I’ve learned through these projects is that it’s not just about checking boxes—it’s about real change. Leaders have to be ready to dig deep, assess their impact, and be willing to evolve. It’s not easy, but Rana and her team were all in. The day they got their certification was a celebration not just for them, but for us as well. Watching their team come out stronger and more aligned behind a common purpose was a powerful reminder of why I do this work.


What’s Next?

The future of the B Corp movement in the MENA region must be driven by our local entrepreneurs, with local companies taking the lead. By aligning the B Corp movement with the deeply rooted values of giving back that are prevalent in Arab society, we can create a narrative that resonates with stakeholders and drives widespread adoption. 

It’s time for Arab business leaders to see impact as part of our identity, aligning with the essence of who we are.

At MENA Impact, we are fully committed to this vision. We’re not just building responsible businesses, we’re creating a movement that resonates with our culture, values, and people. By forging partnerships with B Lab and global B Corps, we aim to strengthen the region’s role in shaping a more equitable, inclusive, and regenerative economy.

This is our mission, and we are ready to lead.